Lea Michele - Cannonball

Lea Michele麗婭米雪兒(歡樂合唱團Glee女主角) Cannonball 心靈炮彈 MV露出!

2013年就完成個人首張專輯錄音,不過…後來遇上男友Cory Monteith (歡樂合唱團Glee男主角)去逝

現在聽到Lea Michele最新專輯的單曲Cannonball 心靈炮彈,感覺有雙重意義,


Cannonball 以低音、打擊聲,為這首勵志打著地基,然後配上輕快鋼琴聲,宣告展翅高飛!


Cannonball 炮彈有堅固的外表,但內裡卻是充滿爆發力的!就像人的心智!Cannonball 心靈炮彈~

Lea Michele在GLEE裡一直是個全能唱將、高音爆發力十足,歌唱像百老匯般十分有表情的聲音!


Lea Michele - Cannonball 心靈炮彈 MV

這支音樂錄影帶沒有什麼劇情,運用光影把Lea Michele拍得漂漂亮亮的!在黑暗中發光的象徵性畫面!

Lea Michele - Cannonball Lyrics 心靈炮彈 中英文歌詞

Break it down  支離破碎!
Break it down  四分五裂!
Break it down  劫後重生!
I was scared to death I was losing my mind  我驚恐瀕死,我像是失去意識
Break it down 支離破碎!
I couldn’t close my eyes I was pacing all night  我無法入睡,只好整夜來回踱步
I think I found the light out the end of the tunnel  我想在暗黑深隧中發現光芒
I couldn’t find the truth I was going under  我無法看清事實,只好繼續沉淪

But I won’t hide inside  然而我不再躲藏
I gotta get out, gotta get out  我要走出來、站出來、
Gotta get out, gotta get out   展翅高飛、飛出這一切
Lonely inside and light the fuse  哪怕內心寂寞,點燒心靈火線
Light it now, light it now, light it now  讓心發光、讓心發亮、讓心發燙

And now I will start living today  今天起我要重新活出自己
Today, today I close the door  就在今天我要關起陰暗幽門
I got this new beginning and I will fly  捉住新開始後展翅高飛
I’ll fly like a cannonball  我就像一顆高飛炮彈
Like a cannonball  心靈炮彈
Like a cannonball  爆發力十足
I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly like a cannonball   飛吧!衝刺!我就像一顆高飛炮彈

Freedom  迎向自由
I let go of fear and the peace came quickly  我拋下恐懼加快了步伐
Freedom  迎接自由
I was in the dark and then it hit me  在黑暗中被恐懼打醒
I chose suffering and pain in the falling rain   我痛定思痛、洗滌心靈
I know, I gotta get out into the world again   我知道我總會再次高飛

But I won’t hide inside  然而我不再躲藏
I gotta get out, gotta get out  我要走出來、站出來、
Gotta get out, gotta get out   展翅高飛、飛出這一切
Lonely inside and light the fuse  哪怕內心寂寞,點燒心靈火線
Light it now, light it now, light it now  讓心發光、讓心發亮、讓心發燙

And now I will start living today  今天起我要重新活出自己
Today, today I close the door  就在今天我要關起陰暗幽門
I got this new beginning and I will fly  捉住新開始後展翅高飛
I’ll fly like a cannonball  我就像一顆高飛炮彈
Like a cannonball  心靈炮彈
Like a cannonball  爆發力十足
I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly like a cannonball   飛吧!衝刺!我就像一顆高飛炮彈

Break it down  支離破碎!
I was scared to death I was losing my mind  我驚恐瀕死,我像是失去意識
Break it down  劫後重生!
I gotta get out into the world again   我知道我總會再次高飛

And now I will start living today  今天起我要重新活出自己
Today, today I close the door  就在今天我要關起陰暗幽門
I got this new beginning and I will fly  捉住新開始後展翅高飛
I’ll fly like a cannonball  我就像一顆高飛炮彈
Like a cannonball  心靈炮彈
Like a cannonball  爆發力十足
I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly like a cannonball   飛吧!衝刺!我就像一顆高飛炮彈

Lea Michele 在THE X FACTOR US演唱Cannonball (live)

Lea Michele 在Ellen Show 演唱Cannonball  (live)

Lea Michele談論Cory Monteith的逝去~樂觀、堅強!

Lea Michele album Louder  

Lea Michele麗婭米雪兒將在2014年2月24日發行個人首張專輯 Louder 放聲

Lea Michele • Louder [2014]
1. "Cannonball" ...............3:35
2. "On My Way" ................3:45
3. "Burn With You" ............3:38
4. "Battlefield" ..............4:18
5. "You're Mine" ..............3:38
6. "Thousand Needles" .........3:24
7. "Louder" ...................3:50
8. "Cue the Rain" .............3:59
9. "Don't Let Go" .............3:16
10."Empty Handed" .............4:51
11."If You Say So" ............4:15

NEWS 2013年五月

麗婭米雪兒Lea Michele在2013年5月29日在她的Twitter發布了一則消息給她的粉絲,那就是她即將推出她的首張個人專輯。麗婭米雪兒Lea Michele在接受名部落客佩雷斯希爾頓Perez Hilton的訪問時,也透露此張專輯在錄音室的後製即將完成。身為《歡樂合唱團Glee》最受歡迎的女主角麗婭米雪兒Lea Michele也表示:「此刻我真的有許多感謝要說,沒有大家就沒有今天的我。愛你們!There's so much to be thankful for right now, I couldn't do it without all of you! Love you guys.」。來源:《歡樂合唱團Glee》人氣女星麗婭米雪兒Lea Michele 首張個人專輯即將問世!



泰國4天3夜曼谷旅遊:夏季購物節,EmQuartier與中央世界百貨,NARA與OSHA泰餐廳,Oasis Spa按摩~


清邁自由行:佛寺,百貨,夜市,博物館,咖啡廳,小吃,按摩@Chiang Mai旅遊攻略


泰國曼谷SPA按摩名店整理篇:Asia Herb Association,Urban Retreat Spa,Health Land,BODY TUNE,Let's Relax(更新)







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    Lea Michele Cannonball

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