ไอฟาย..แต๊งกิ้ว..เลิฟยู้ I Fine Thank You Love You
泰國GTH電影公司最新喜劇電影:I Fine Thank You Love You 我粉好,謝謝,愛你喔(私翻譯片名哈)))
English is Easy!學英文很簡單!電影有招牌手勢,還做了許多人體組合字的照片~
I FINE..THANK YOU..LOVE YOU Official International Trailer 電影預告片(英文字幕)
ไอฟาย..แต๊งกิ้ว..เลิฟยู้ I Fine Thank You Love You
泰國佛曆2557年(西元2014年) 12月10日上映
DIRECTOR 導演: เมษ ธราธร Mez Tharatorn The Little Comedian (2010),ATM (2012)
CAST 演員:
ซันนี่ สุวรรณเมธานนท์ (ซันนี่), ปรีชญา พงษ์ธนานิกร (ไอซ์), ภพธร สุนทรญาณกิจ (ตู่)
Ice – Preechaya Pongthananikorn as Pleng
Sunny Suwanmethanont as Gym
電影I Fine Thank You Love You 我粉好,謝謝,愛你喔~Synopsis 劇情介紹:
“Pleng” (Ice- Preechaya Pongthananikorn) is a charming and beautiful English tutor. Her ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when she is asked an extraordinary favor; to help one of her students dump her Thai boyfriend named “Gym” (Sunny Suwanmethanont). Unfortunately, Gym doesn’t understand English so Pleng’s student records her voice message and asks Pleng to translate her message to him.
When Gym realizes that he is being dumped, he pins blame on Pleng for his girlfriend leaving him being that Pleng taught his girlfriend the English to pass her US job interview. It is at that moment Gym persuades Pleng to teach him English too, hoping to go to the US to reconcile with his girlfriend. Pleng has reservations but agrees.
Gym’s English is very basic and he’s such a slow learner. He works as a maintenance engineer at a factory. Pleng does her best to teach him. She lets Gym read children books to get started. Gym tries very hard and Pleng sees his effort and begins to sympathize with him.
At the same time, Pleng has fallen in love with another one of her students, “Pruek” (Two- Popetorn Sunthornyanakij), a handsome guy from a good family. He is a hopeless romantic who always find the way to surprise Pleng and eventually they become a couple.
“I Fine..Thank you..Love You” is a grammatically incorrect love story that illustrates the beauty of imperfection over perfection.
I Fine Thank You Love You 電影劇照:
ตัวอย่างหนัง - ไอฟาย..แต๊งกิ้ว..เลิฟยู้ (Official Trailer) 泰國版預告片
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