泰好聽!難得花時間推薦自己喜歡的音樂與聲音,Missy Lancaster在2018年推出首張正式專輯Piece Of Me,偶然聽到這把聲音,十分清澈耐聽,明顯的鄉村厚實且清亮的嗓音,聽久了也不會太宏亮太吵或帶有男人味的喉音、沙啞,哈)))
新專輯「Piece Of Me」是我今年很少完整聽完且重覆播放的西洋專輯,10首歌有輕快有慢版情歌,都很動聽!樸實真情的好女聲,我要給她年度最佳鄉村女歌手新進藝人獎!
我私心覺得這張輯比泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)近年來的專輯好聽,雖然我也買泰勒絲的專輯,但她已經從鄉村音樂走向流行,炒作話題和擁有大量的資源(泰泰迷不要罵我),讓她可以持續在網路社群發光,相較之下,其他新人就比較可憐了。只想單純做好音樂,是不容易長久生存的。
為什麼想特地介紹Missy Lancaster?主要是因為我發現在社群媒體上,Missy Lancaster的人氣很薄弱,蠻可能會成為一片歌手的。慶幸的是台灣SONY音樂還是有發行「Missy Lancaster蜜西蘭凱絲特的Piece of Me點滴情事」專輯,可見好聲音還是有被聽見啦!
Piece of Me好像翻作「破碎的我」或「心情碎片」、「破碎的心」會比較好?
其實在2018年Piece of Me這張正式專輯前,Missy Lancaster曾在2016年發行「Missy」EP有6首歌。身為鄉村音樂女歌手,Missy Lancaster帶來的音樂還是具有流行、搖滾的特質。
博客來:西洋鄉村/Missy Lancaster/Piece Of Me
發行日:2018年 07月 10日
Piece of Me點滴情事CD曲目
01.Never The Bride
03.When I Grow Up
05.Party Of The Year
06.Never In Love
07.When I Think About You
08.Falling In Love
10.All That You Are
唱片文宣:鄉村界備受矚目的創作新女聲Missy Lancaster,從鄉村音樂聖地納許維爾找到許多靈感,也開啟自己的音樂大門!
青少年時期曾渡過一段受病痛折磨的日子,16歲的時候診斷出罹患厭食症,斷斷續續的發病,直到20歲Missy尋求醫療協助,希望擺脫飲食失調的折磨。藉由音樂重新站起來,從創作中尋求勇氣,給予有相同症狀的朋友們建言和力量,Missy醞釀多時的首張專輯《Piece Of Me》,就是點滴記載這些年的自身經歷,希望樂迷從片段字詞中獲得共鳴,分享挫折跌倒再爬起的真實經驗,學會面對苦痛的堅強。除了鄉村基底之外,還精彩融合流行、搖滾等風格,豐富整張作品的音樂性!有請Josh Kerr(Camila Cabello、Keith Urban、Danielle Bradbery)參與寫歌,交付Lindsay Rimes(Kylie Minogue、Tina Arena、Kane Brown)負責操刀!流行味濃的〈Never The Bride〉,匯集所有動聽元素,是支快速打開聆聽心房的好歌;順著這般流暢音調進入〈Run〉,Missy清亮乾淨嗓音也是讓歌曲特別有吸引力的原因;描述一段逝去愛戀的〈Forget〉,試著忘卻對方的苦痛掙扎,聽來份外揪心;鋼琴和弦樂簡單輔佐〈Never In Love〉的款款深情,再到〈All That You Are〉源自納許維爾草根鄉村流行氣息,想不愛上Missy的音樂都很難!
Missy Lancaster蜜西蘭凱絲特出生自澳洲(Australia,Picton,New South Wales)
Missy Lancaster的Piece of Me點滴情事專輯中,兩首主打歌:Forget、Heatwave,都是比較輕快的。
我私心特別推薦的曲目:06.Never In Love,07.When I Think About You,10.All That You Are
第6首Never In Love是慢版鋼琴伴奏的傷心情歌,男孩提出分手,女孩心底明白男孩只是愛上想像中的愛情,而不是愛上她,所以她必須跟這個不懂愛的男孩告別。
Missy Lancaster - Never In Love不曾愛過(Lyrics歌詞)
Felt my heart stop, right there in that parking lot
The only call at 2am, I still don't know what you said,
It was so hard to listen,
But I know what you meant the whole time
You were saying anything to get closure,
Yeah everything but it's over
Oh how could it be over when it never was,
You were never in love
just in love with the thought of me
Not in love like you are to be,
Just enough to get all you need
I had nothing to give
When you asked for it all back
But you already knew that
Cause there was never an us
And you were never in love
Kept me in the dark
Only looking out for your heart
Thought you wanted new start, I didn't know
That you would go and say 3 just to fake it
Yeah it never was what you made it
I guess having all of me wasn't enough
Cause you were never in love, just in love with the thought of me
Not in love like you are to be,
Just enough to get all you need
I had nothing to give
When you asked for it all back
But you already knew that
Cause there was never an us
And they say when you know you know
But they never say what to do when he don't
You were never in love, just in love with the thought of me
Not in love like you are to be,
Just enough to get all you need
I had nothing to give
When you asked for it all back
But you already knew that
Cause there was never an us
And you were never in love
Missy Lancaster-Heatwave(Official Video)
Missy Lancaster-Forget(Official Video)